Kinetic Love Ministries is trying to make a comeback. This is going to be connected off and on to the Bible study over at the Emmaus Road Fellowship page. The Emmaus Road page is going to be posting content pertaining to the Bible section being studied for the week. Any extra content related to those passages will be posted over here so that the Bible study doesn’t get bogged down with tangents and rabbit trails, or just fun information about history or archeology, or anything really.

We’ll also have topical articles from current events or whatever pops into my head from time to time. But to start with, I thought I’d go over the theological beliefs of KLM. It seems there are some who think that I believe heretical things, and I’ve been called all sorts of names. The funny thing is, when I hear the things that people think I believe, it’s not true. I guess they would rather make up things about me rather than talk to me about it. So, to set the record straight, I’m going to spend a couple of posts going over what I believe. Stay tuned.

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